Gervais' Lab Theses 

Department of Physics

Gervais' Lab Theses


  • Sujatha Vijayakrishnan, PhD, Hydrodynamic transport and viscous flow in ultra-high mobility Corbino rings, December 2024. [PDF]

  • Oulin Yu, PhD, Temperature Independent Anomalous Hall Effect in Thin Bismuth, December 2024. [PDF]

  • Benjamin Schmidt, PhD, Specific Heat in the fractional Quantum Hall Regime, August 2019. [PDF]

  • Pierre-François Duc, PhD, Quasi–one-dimensional superfluidity, March 2019. [PDF]

  • Alexandr Vlasov, PhD, Theoretical and experimental study of paramagnetic semiconductors for cryogenic magnetic refrigeration, February 2019. [PDF]

  • Michel Savard, PhD, Mass Transport in Single Nanopores, December 2014. [PDF]

  • Jonathan Guillemette, PhD, Electronic Transport in Hydrogenated Graphene, January 2014. [PDF]

  • Dominique Laroche, PhD, Coulomb Drag in Vertically-Integrated One-Dimensional Quantum Wires, December 2013. [PDF]

  • James Hedberg, PhD, Low Temperature Force Microscopy on a Deeply Embedded Two Dimensional Electron Gas, January 2011. [PDF]

  • Cory Dean, PhD, A Study of the Fractional Quantum Hall Energy Gap at Half Filling, January 2009. [PDF]

  • MSc:

  • Dawson Willerton, MSc, Spontaneous fluctuations in free-molecular flow , August 2023. [PDF]

  • Talia Martz-Oberlander, MSc, From Quantum Hall to Quantum Faraday: Design and Analysis of an Experiment , December 2020. [PDF]

  • Eli Martel, MSc, Production of Sub-Micron Flakes of UPt3 for the Study of a New 2D Material , July 2019. [PDF]

  • Simon Bilodeau, MSc, Coulomb drag in high-mobility quantum wires and short quantum wires , August 2018. [PDF]

  • Matei Petrescu, MSc, Computational Fluid Dynamics in Mesoscopic Nozzles , December 2015. [PDF]

  • Samuel Gaucher, MSc, Flip-Chip Fabry-Perot Electron Interferometer , November 2015. [PDF]

  • Bram Evert, MSc, Electrical Transport, Filtering and NMR of GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wires , November 2013. [PDF]

  • Sam Neale, MSc, High Speed Flow Through Silicon Nitride Nanopores as a Potential Dumb Hole , September 2013. [PDF]

  • Chenxu Shao, MSc, Fabrication of Indium Nitride Nanowire Hybrid Devices , September 2012. [PDF]

  • Guillaume Dauphinais, MSc, Fabrication, Structural Relaxation, and Flow in Solid-State Nanopores, January 2012. [PDF]

  • Jonathan Buset, MSc, Near Infrared Optical Manipulation of a GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Well in the Quantum Hall Regime, September 2008. [PDF]